Hi! I’m Leya :)

I understand where you are coming from.

You are stuck in an uninspiring job that you don’t see yourself in any longer.

You know that your current job situation is not a fit for you.

You work with difficult team members, your hours are super long, you just don’t enjoy your day-to-day work.

Plus, you already have an idea of where you would like your career to go.

You definitely want that weight of your current job lifted off your shoulders.

But you also want a meaningful career, with some combination of excitement, joy, happiness, and freedom in your work.

But something is stopping you from actually making the change.

  • Your current job is stable,

  • It pays you well enough,

  • And in the back of your mind, you worry about what people may think of you if you make a change.

Here’s the thing: Making a change in your career is not just about applying for jobs

You know those pesky thoughts that say:

“What will they think of me?”

“Will they think I was not cut out for this?”

“Will they wonder what is wrong with me?”

These are the thoughts that STOP you from taking the leap and keep you in the status quo.

Instead, shift inward to prioritize YOU: your goals, your strengths, your skills, and your experience.

That way, you can move forward with courage and confidence, rather than avoiding people’s judgment all the time.


“I would definitely recommend working with Leya. She guides you into figuring out how to improve and also helps imbue confidence rather than taking it away. I felt more personally confident in my job applications and I got more responses from companies to reach the stage after initial application. I come away from meetings with Leya feeling positive about my next steps forward rather than feeling negative about steps I had taken prior.”

— Arun Gummer


Hi! I’m Leya.

I help mission-driven people like you who feel uninspired at work. I help you make the leap to a meaningful and prosperous career where you actually enjoy work.

Listen, I get it!

I used to be terrified of what other people thought of me.

Growing up, I didn’t feel like I had a voice. I was insecure about my communication skills and thought everyone had it out for me.

So I strived to do everything “right:” To say the right thing, do the right thing, and act the right way so I looked like I had my life all put together.

In my effort to do everything “right,” I took personality tests, relied on my family’s input, and went on weekend retreats to “find myself.” But, nothing really stood out to me as my straightforward path to success, and I felt discouraged.

What changed for me? Well, I realized 3 things:

First, there is no one “right” path for anyone.

You have your own characteristics that make you AWESOME. Finding a career where your particular strengths and career goals match can be a life-long search. But, with each new position you take and each new initiative you start, you can learn a little more about the career you want.

Second, in order to find work that I actually enjoyed, I needed to let go of other, competing priorities.

I knew that people may judge me. I also knew that I may make a wrong move. But, if I let those fears stop me, then I would be no closer to figuring out what work I wanted to do in this world. I made it my ultimate goal to find work that actually excited me, that felt like a fresh breath of air, where I literally would jump out of bed in the morning because I could not wait to get to work.

Third, I had to be open about my career goals with the people around me.

THIS IS THE BIG ONE. I could not have a thriving career if I did not have people there to help me, whether it was in giving me advice, making connections, or offering me work. So I learned how to talk about my career experiences and priorities to encourage me to take action AND that got others on board. I became more open with my managers, co-workers, and broader network about what I wanted and they supported me!


"I was stuck on thinking through a career pivot and weighing family obligations. While working with Leya, I confronted my fears by speaking them aloud and I gathered the courage to leave my previous project to pursue a new one. Leya is a compassionate, thoughtful, and clearsighted guide who listens carefully, asks insightful questions, and encourages you to confront what holds you back."

- Michelle C.


So, how can I help you?

It is much easier to face people’s judgment when you are clear about where you are going and confident that you can do it. I can help you get there by:

  1. Clarifying your career goals & how your current experiences, skills, and strengths can be leveraged

  2. Addressing all the fears associated with change

  3. Crafting your career story that results in people wanting to help you (rather than judge you!)

  4. Building your courage to actually talk to real people about your career aspirations


“I was feeling frustrated about not knowing in which direction I want to take my career and finding a job. While working with Leya, I defined what types of jobs I was interested in using the best words. Plus, I gained the confidence to negotiate my salary. The collaborative process Leya used resulted in a really amazing coaching experience! Overall, working with Leya was great and so beneficial!”

— Romi E.


See, I was never the kid that knew what she wanted to be when she grew up.

But, being honest and putting myself out there brought opportunities that got me closer to figuring out what would feel meaningful to me.

That’s why, if you look at my resume, you’ll see that my career is anything but linear.

I worked in higher education, nonprofit, automotive, tech, and public service industries in management consulting, communications, training and development, and marketing, all with varying degrees of “prestige.”

But in all of that, I kept learning about what I liked (and did not like!) in my work and talked about my experiences in ways that landed me each and every new opportunity

In the end, it was about shifting my focus away from external forces (like others’ judgement, society’s expectations, and money) and towards my own goals, hopes, and dreams.

My program focuses on this idea by taking the pressure off of satisfying everybody else. Instead, I help you frame your experiences in a way that helps you discover your next logical step.


It was really fun working with Leya! Before working with Leya, I was struggling with being bold, and advocating for showing up as myself in multiple aspects of my life. While working with Leya, I really saw myself make great progress in terms of being bold in the workplace. And I created daily self care check-ins that have really helped me stay connected with my true self and remind me of my confidence and capability when I feel self doubt.”

— Laurel M.


Fun Facts!

My childhood “What do you want to be when you grow up” responses:

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a gymnastics Olympian, a cyclist (even though my bike-riding skills were subpar), a pop star, a math teacher, a lion, or a carebear!

I am a “no-makeup” kind of person…

… Even though I LOVE shows like Skin Wars and Glow Up on Netflix.

I am a California girl through and through!

The sun is my best friend, I am a sucker for tacos & guac, and clouds + rain make me sad.

The only thing about me that is not 100% California girl…

… is that I don't love going to the beach… because of too many sunburns and too many failed body surfing attempts….


Learn how you can make moves towards your fulfilling career.